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Individual Adult Therapy

Overcoming what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, let us press on, in the present, towards HOPE. To LIVE is to be in the present, not in shadow of yesterday or the fear of tomorrow.


"Learn from yesterday, Live for today, Hope for tomorrow." 

~Albert Einstein


"Some days, I feel everything at once.  Other days, I feel nothing at all.  I don't know what is worse:  Drowning beneath the waves.... or, Dying from the thirst."  ~the idealist

Many people suffer from depression.  It is estimated that at least 20% of women and 12% of men suffer from a depressive disorder.  Yet, only 50% of those struggling with depression seek treatment. Of those who seek treatment, 70-80% experience significant improvement. 

(Statistics taken from:


Depression is characterized by a combination of symptoms that create change from previous functioning for at least a two-week period. Symptoms can be: a loss of interest in daily activities; depressed mood for most of the day; a marked change in appetite or weight gain or loss; changes in sleep; loss of energy; difficulty making decisions/cognitions; psychomotor agitation; and/or suicide ideation.




"I have no idea how NOT to think."

~author unknown

Anxiety plagues about 18% of the total U.S. population.  That is 40 million adults (18yrs and older).  Only about one-third of the population suffering with Anxiety seek treatment despite significant reduction in symptoms.  

(Statistics taken from:


Anxiety disorders are characterized by an excessive fear, whether real or perceived, and the anticipation of a future threat.  This fear is persistent for around 6-months.   


Trauma and PTSD

“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.”  ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson 


About 70% of adults in the U.S. have been exposed to or have experienced some type of traumatic event.  Of this population, 20% develop PTSD.  

(Statistics taken from:


Trauma and stressor-related disorders are characterized by exposure to traumatic or stressful events that overwhelm the natural ability to cope.  The exposure may be a one-time experience, such as a natural disaster or car accident, or  repetitive experiences, such as sexual or physical abuse, combat, battering relationships, etc.  (Bessel van der Kolf, 1987).



Stress Management

Stress is the brain and body's natural reaction to a demand.  Stress, when short-lived, can have positive effects like:  1) mobilizing the immune system for fending off infections and healing wounds; and, 2) arousing and motivating us to conquer problems.  However, stress when prolonged can have a negative effects, such as:  hair loss, insomnia, irritability, skin conditions, stomach issues, muscle spasms, headaches, depression, ulcers, asthma, heart disease, etc.  Learn how to manage stress.




Grief is an emotional process of dealing with loss.  The journey through grief is not brief and not without distress.  Yet, going through this journey allows one to move forward in their own life in a healthy way.   

Keep in mind that grief and mourning look different for every person because every person is different and every loss is different.     

You don't have to travel this journey alone. 


Spirituality is defined differently for each person.  Some define spirituality as an interaction and interconnectedness with God, organized religion, and/or religious values.  Others define spirituality as an expression of an interconnectedness with nature, the world, and/or others.  Yet, others may completely oppose these beliefs and not have an interest in spirituality.  Spirituality brings hope to some and harm to others.  Spirituality can be a valuable resource for some.   Conversely, spirituality is the source of deep wounds, hurt, and conflict.  

When requested, the interaction between body and spirit can be explored with the client relative to their goals. 

"Broken crayons still color."  Shelly Hitz


Suicide Prevention Resources:   



National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention:

National Institute of Mental Health:

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration:

Center for Disease Control and Prevention:

US Department of Veteran Affairs:

OLOL Emergency:  (225) 271-6000

Baton Rouge Intervention Center: (225) 924-3900

National Suicide Prevention Hotline:  (available 24/7)  1-800-273-TALK or 1-800-273-8255.  Press 1 to talk to someone.

National Hopeline Network:  (available 24/7)  1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-784-2433


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